The ecstasy and pain of creation
Written by Leonard Nimoy
Artist Vincent Van Gogh was nearly invisible and rejected by the society in which he lived. His creative genius was perhaps too great to be held in the finite world he moved in. Writer and actor Leonard Nimoy (“Spock”) wrote and portrayed Vincent over 150 times during his lifetime. In this two-act presentation, the surviving brother of Vincent Van Gogh recounts his amazing brother’s life and members of the audience become Vincent’s friends, while viewing his works throughout his life. Based on a true story.
“Vincent was a lover of God, love, and art.” – Theo, Vincent
2017 production
July 13-17, 2017
Produced by Patricia P. Jamison and Catherine Stramer
Directed by Kristina Brendel
Set Design by Kristina Brendel
Lighting Design by Kevin Dunn
The Black Box Lab at Stage284, Hamilton, MA